In April, (yes, a lot did happen in April) I participated in a poem a day challenge. While I didn't end up writing 30 poems. I did write quite a few. Either way I did accomplish my main goal which was to write. It was truly a learning experience.
Some of the poems came out as funny and some serious.
Some rhymed and others didn't.
But they all give a perspective.
Over the course of this month and the next I will release my top three favorites
So without further ado here is the first poem:
Poetry Challenge
By: Denishea Young
A poem a day
A challenge you say
I can do it!
Just get out of my way.
I will slay this beast
Without delay.
Okay where to start.
Crap this is harder than I thought...
The day languished in infinite glow of evening
Wait does that even make sense
Great god I feel my soul grieving
For the drivel I have written
Makes me feel like heaving.
Okay let's try again
The brittle cry of a thousand moms die upon the wind
Well that's dark
Let me try again
The eagles soar, circle and swoop until it spots its prey and gives a final whoop
Okay well I guess it's better.
Well let’s see what I got.
A line here
Another there.
But no poems anywhere.
Okay well this will take some time.
It doesn’t even rhyme.
Nor inspire feelings sublime
Instead it feels subpar
And makes me feel like I'm in a war
Against myself for little wealth and my eventual death
So I’ll stop here
But I’ll keep my pen near
In case words volunteer
to become clear.
Have you ever tried a poem-a-day challenge? How about an art challenge? An exercise challenge? How did you handle staying on task for 30 to 31 days? Would you do it again? What did you learn from it?