Rope's Freedom
By: Denishea Young
Rope rough and tough dangling from a tree
Branch strong and long unbinding in the wind
Blowing steadily setting the leaves asway
Back and forth the rope follows in its wake.
Sturdy and strong the rope carries on
Binding winding twisting knots and holes
An opening it does form.
Beckoning, calling
“To me you will come. With me you will be
To the end until two become three.”
At it I stare. Long I have I ignored its call.
Tonight, I will no longer stall.
Hesitate, deliberate or calculate.
Tonight, I answer with a sigh
Worry and fear finally fall away.
The stress of time sheds
Layer after layer
Bark crumbling beneath my grasp
Roots stacked bringing me high.
A braided knot of silken rope reached
Soothing, a balm for my soul
Over my head does the hole go
Resting snuggly around the neck
A final embrace
A breath, a release, a hug
A Noose!
No air, Can’t Breathe!
Where is the freedom, the peace?
Fight body and legs flail jerking gasping for air.
Tighter the rope does cling
No finger will pry it away.
Prey... Pray… Played
The ground too far to reach.
Where is the freedom? where is the peace?
Darkness encroach no more jerking
No more remorse
Darkness is all
No stars tonight no moon for light
One question doeth remain as the body swings
Wind blows steadily pushing and shoving as it wills.
Branch unyielding bowed not a little
Tree unwavering as leaves sing its praises
Body dangling strange fruit not yet claimed
Spirit whispering
Where is my freedom?
Where is my peace?