Power To The People
By: Denishea Young
“White Power!”
“black power.”
“White Power!”
“black power.”
“God damn it Kashawn get it right!”
“All right alrright.”
“Okay from the top everyone.” Pausing to get his hood back over his eyes Mike started the chant again. “White Power!
“black power.”
“White Power!”
“black power.”
Holding his hands up Mike stopped the chant. Glaring daggers at where he assumed Kashawn was he demanded “Get it right Kashwan it is White. Wwwhiiittteee power. Not black power! Not solar power! Not Jew power! Not any other god damn power! But White Power and say it like you mean it!”
“Alright, alright damn I got it.”
Glaring at Kashawn for emphasis he turned back to the rest of his fellow covered KKK Klansman. Taking a deep breath, he shouted out “White Power!” which they echoed back to him “White Power!” Feeling good he continued the chant “White Power…
“White Power!”
“White Power!”
“Black Power!”
“Black Power!”
“Black Power!”
Confused Mike stopped yelling but his compatriots didn’t.
“Black Power! Black Power! Black Power!”
Before his very eyes his compatriots his brothers in arms, who like him awaited the day of the Aryan Nation morphed into black men with sunglasses and big bushy afros. Their arms raised as if practiced into the air balling into hard fists as they continued their chant.
“Black Power! Black Power! Black Power!”
Mike's eyes widened in horror. His body shaking beneath the white hood and robe he wore. “What the hell…” whispered from his lips before he turned to run tripping on his robes. Fighting to get untangled he hit the ground with a thwap knocking the breath out of him. Opening his eyes, he was met with darkness. Breathing rapidly, he struggled to get up only to find his body tangled not in his KKK robes but in his bedsheets. Suddenly realization of where he was came to him. His breathing slowed and his heart, which had been shaking his body, calmed to its normal levels.
Chuckling to himself Mike pushed the bedsheets off and used the bed as leverage to stand. Muttering to himself, “it was just a dream, all a dream.” Moving quietly as to not disturb his spouse he made his way to the bathroom. Stepping inside and closing the door quietly behind him he flicked on the light switch. Squinting his eyes nearly shut he moved on autopilot and memory turning on the facet and splashing water onto his face. Reaching out with his hand he felt around for the drying towel. Closing his hand around it’s surprisingly plush surface he dried his face and braved opening his eyes. Blinking hard before focusing his eyes on his reflection. Freezing in shock he stared at the man who looked back at him in the mirror. His eyes widening comically large in horror his mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water. “What the Fuck!” he yelled.
“What! what! What’s Wrong!” came a sleepy reply from the other room.
“I... I... I...” was all he could manage before the door opened and a man walked in. His pale white body bare except for some boxers hanging suggestively low on his leanly muscled frame.
“Kashawn what the hell! Waking me up like that in the middle of the night. You know I need my beauty rest!” Grumbling and not noticing the shocked expression on his face the man turned back to the bed.
“Who… whooo… Whoooo!” was all Mike could get out. Glancing back his brow furrowed the man tilted his head
“I am Mike your husband you fool. Bout to be your ex if you don’t let me get to sleep. I got a presentation to the board tomorrow I don’t have time to play games with you.” Muttering to himself Mike stopped briefly to pick up the discarded covers and climb into bed wrapping himself snuggly inside before going back to sleep his snores filling the silence.
Kashawn turned back to look at himself in the mirror and shook his head. What the hell was up with that messed up dream as if he would ever wear something as tacky as a KKK outfit all that white,
Honey No!
With that he shook off the remnants of the dream and went to bed. Wrestling some of the blanket away from the cover-hogging Mike and went to sleep.