Maniacal Melting Ice Caps
By: Denishea Young
Sitting on my throne
Overlord of all
Waiting for you to notice
What all I’ve done.
Waiting for ice to melt.
It goes ever so slow
But the splash it will make
Brings me unlimited joy.
Waiting for it’s graceful fall
Into the dark mystical depths below.
To add it’s bulk and mass to the waterflow.
Oh what joy it will bring
My soul on high
Peals of laughter
Slip and slide on by.
Oh ice melt and show them my plan.
To flood the masses out of land.
To destroy all that has gone before
Remaking this planet, the way I planned it.
Oh ice. Dear ice
Drip and drop
Fast and swift
Until you’ve cracked and turned the world asunder.
Bring all to me to kneel and beseech.
For I am the MASTER!
Their KING.
The Deliverer of humans to their proper place.
Before my throne lying in disgrace.
Image by Denishea Young original images sourced from Pixabay